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Text File  |  1995-02-24  |  7KB  |  469 lines

  1. ; xilang.english
  2. ;
  3. Load Font
  4. Security Check
  5. You are going to loose the picture.\nWould you like to save it?
  6. Yes|Maybe|No\n
  7. Save Picture
  8. What now?\nYes or No?
  9. Yes|No\n
  10. Load Picture
  11. Load Brush
  12. Save Brush
  13. Help
  14. Generate Minipic
  15. Load Brush
  16. Fresh up the Pens
  17. Initialize Pens
  18. Fresh up Pens
  19. Project
  20. New ...
  21. Open ...
  22. Load Picture ...
  23. Load Brush ...
  24. Save Picture
  25. Save Picture as ...
  26. Save Brush ...
  27. About ...
  28. Quit
  29. Menus
  30. Toolbox ...
  31. Colors ...
  32. Brushs ...
  33. Pens ...
  34. Animation ...
  35. Raytracer ...
  36. Grid ...
  37. Shadow ...
  38. Cycle ...
  39. Settings ...
  40. Mask ...
  41. Shade ...
  42. Style ...
  43. Zoom ...
  44. Layer ...
  45. VLAB ...
  46. Parameter ...
  47. Misc
  48. Macro
  49. Start ...
  50. Execute ...
  51. Studio-Print
  52. Synchron
  53. Asynchron
  54. Empty Undo
  55. Toolbox
  56. Paintmode
  57. Solid
  58. Background
  59. Shade
  60. Cycle
  61. Smooth
  62. Smear
  63. Tear
  64. As-it-is
  65. Back-Win?
  66. Work
  67. Negativ
  68. Color Change
  69. Bright Change
  70. Satur. Change
  71. Darker 
  72. Brighter
  73. Saturation +
  74. Saturation -
  75. Color Degree
  76. Contrast+ 
  77. Contrast-
  78. Zoombox
  79. Close
  80. Zoom in
  81. Zoom out
  82. Width
  83. Height
  84. Keep Brush
  85. Would you like to save this\npicture before quitting?
  86. Yes|No|Cancel
  87. Mask
  88. brush/%ld
  89. brush/%ld.MPIC
  90. brush/A%ld
  91. brush/A%ld.MPIC
  92. %ls.MPIC
  93. brush/B_Status
  94. brush/A_Status
  95. Brush
  96. Load
  97. Save
  98. Delete
  99. Pool
  100. Swap to Disk
  101. Fresh up
  102. Delete(from Pool)
  103. Cutted
  104. Alpha
  105. Do you realy want to delete all\nBrushs from the Pool?\n
  106. Yes|Cancel
  107. Width: %ld, Height: %ld Pixel
  108. Pens
  109. Generate Pen
  110. Delete one Pen
  111. Size: %ld Pixel
  112. Pen-Generator
  113. square
  114. round
  115. Gen. Curve
  116. Pixel
  117. Airbrush-Curve
  118. s
  119. æ
  120. Cyclebox
  121. Reset
  122. Generate
  123. Steps:
  124. From:
  125. To:
  126. Offset
  127. Brushs to any Size
  128. Draw Size
  129. Cancel
  130. Produce
  131. Width:
  132. Height:
  133. Turn Brushs
  134. Draw Angle
  135. Turning Angle:
  136. Mask
  137. Mask on Color
  138. Paint on Mask
  139. Delete Mask
  140. Add
  141. Show
  142. Fetch CLUT
  143. Maskmode
  144. One color
  145. Color Matrix
  146. Colorregion
  147. Saturation
  148. Contrast
  149. MaskOperation
  150. Invert
  151. Maximum-Mask
  152. Minimum-Mask
  153. Half Alphavalues
  154. Double Alphavalues
  155. Transport Mask
  156. Transport Alpha-Mask
  157. Colorpot
  158. Colorpot (Palette)
  159. +/- Degree in Hue
  160. +/- of Saturation
  161. +/- of Contrast
  162. Size of CLUT
  163. Switch on Mask?
  164. Parameter
  165. Line-Aliasingfactor
  166. Fast-Fill:
  167. Keep Mask:
  168. Pixel-Current
  169. 1-Pixel-Current
  170. % Darkness
  171. % Brightness
  172. Macro Recording
  173. End recording
  174. Macro
  175. will be
  176. recorded
  177. Makro/Hugo.rx
  178. Macro Save
  179. Macro Execute
  180. SYS:REXXC/rx
  181. /* Automatic generated macro from XiPaint 4.0*/\n
  182. Filename:(Load)
  183. Textinput:
  184. OK
  185. Project-Requester
  186. Wait-Requester(Ray)
  187. Raytracer
  188. Disks
  189. Parent
  190. Minipic
  191. Saving Format
  192. Aa
  193. %ls%ls.MPIC
  194. Directory:
  195. File:
  196. Size:
  197. Xi-Paint Errorrequest
  198. Rufzeichen.MPIC
  199. An undefinable Error is\nappeared.
  200. Couldn't open the desired\nTool-Box. Maybe your are low\non memory.\n
  201. Please close at first the\n"Macro Close" window.
  202. Macro-Function
  203. No Macro recording without\na project!\n
  204. Recursive macro recordings are\nnot allowed.\n
  205. The Project is locked\nClosing is possible after unlocking!
  206. The Project is locked\nPainting is possible after unlocking!
  207. VLAB-Error-Message
  208. No Hardware found\n
  209. Wrong Offset-Values\n
  210. Undo-Function
  211. No Videosignal detected\n
  212. Scanerror\n
  213. Illegale Register\n
  214. Initialation values wrong\n
  215. Low of memory\n
  216. No Y-Memory for digitizing\n
  217. No U-Memory for digitizing\n
  218. No V-Memory for digitizing\n
  219. No RGB-Memory for calculating\n
  220. Couldn't open a new project.\nMaybe no or fragmented memory.\n
  221. Now there is in\nthis project no REDO possible\n
  222. Now there is in\nthis project no UNDO possible\n
  223. Not enough memory\nfor box-buffer!(HB)
  224. Not enough memory\nfor extra border-buffers!(HB)
  225. Not enough memory\nfor ScreenClip!(HB)
  226. Error on putting\nHidden-Clips!(HB)
  227. Error on installing\nthe system-buttons!(HB)
  228. Low of memory\nfor requested size!(HB)
  229. No memory for box\nstructure of menu box!(HB)
  230. There is no memory available.\n
  231. Common Error
  232. For merging you need at\nminimum 2 projects.\n
  233. Layer-Window
  234. There is no Space on\nyour disk.
  235. There is no brush selected.
  236. There is no memroy for this operation.
  237. Operatingsystem
  238. Brushsoperation
  239. Xi-Paint quitts because of a\nserious error.\n
  240. Internal Error Information
  241. Xi-Paint couldn't execute \nthe last operation completely.
  242. There isn't choosen a valid\nMask or Target-Project\n
  243. Alpha-Operation
  244. XiPaint could't install the font\n'helvetica.font' size 13.\nThe representation is maybe destroyed\n
  245. Xi-System-Error Message
  246. The desired function couldn't\nbe executed because there\nis no project open.
  247. No memory for a message\nfor Studio available.\n
  248. The Studio-Server couldn't be started.
  249. Couldn't find the\nStudio-Port.
  250. Studio-Server mentioned a fatal error.\n
  251. The Studio-Server is interrupted.\n
  252. The actual Studio-Job\nis interrupted by a user.\n
  253. XiPaint is allready running!\n
  254. Couldn't open xigfx.library!\n
  255. Couldn't create User-Port!\n
  256. Couldn't create AREXX-Port!\n
  257. Couldn't open Display!\n
  258. Couldn't open Background-Window!\n
  259. An unknown error is occured:%ld\n
  260. Would you realy like to\nabbort the current operation\n
  261. Systemsettings
  262. Next
  263. Global Path
  264. Palett Path
  265. Macro Path
  266. SystemFontName
  267. SystemFontSize
  268. Number of Brushs
  269. Number of Pens
  270. Locale Mode
  271. Eat First Klick
  272. ClickToFront
  273. Save Settings?
  274. Systemsettings 2
  275. ASL-Requester
  276. Brush-Opaque-Move
  277. Ticks/s
  278. Mouse-Queue
  279. Pointer-Offset (X)
  280. Pointer-Offset (Y)
  281. Vlabbox
  282. Monitor
  283. Freeze
  284. Video
  285. DeInterlace  
  286. VTR
  287. Mode
  288. PAL
  289. NTSC
  290. Offset from left:
  291. Offset from top:
  292. Inputchannal:
  293. Vlab-Monitor-Port
  294. Colorbox
  295. Assign
  296. Copy
  297. Change
  298. Palette
  299. Scheme
  300. Save as
  301. RGB
  302. HLS
  303. CMY
  304. Save Palette
  305. RGB-Triangle
  306. HSV-Scheme
  307. Mixer
  308. Shadebox
  309. 2 Colors, Horizontal
  310. 2 Colors, Vertical
  311. 3 Colors, 2 up
  312. 3 Colors, 2 down
  313. 4 Colors
  314. 5 Colors
  315. Preview
  316. 5. Point in % from left
  317. 5. Point in % from top
  318. Xi-Paint Help
  319. Infobox
  320. I understand
  321. Version %ls from %ls
  322. Grafiks from Peter Wlcek
  323. There is an error in the multipic.library\ncalled '%s'\nwith the number %ld.\n(File:%ls)\n
  324. Couldn't find MultiPic.Library
  325. MP_Info
  326. MP_Read
  327. MP_Write
  328. Error while loading palette
  329. Couldn't find Info
  330. Error while Saving the palette\n
  331. Pointer.Pic
  332. Busy.Pic
  333. The File:\n%ls\ndoes exist. Would you like\nto override it?\n
  334. Layermanipulation
  335. Add
  336. Del
  337. U
  338. D
  339. Projects
  340. Layer
  341. Sequence
  342. Layer-Result
  343. New Project
  344. Please enter the
  345. Width and Height:
  346. Gridbox
  347. Grid:
  348. Offset x:
  349. Offset y:
  350. Raybox
  351. Trace it!
  352. LScript
  353. SScript
  354. Texture
  355. Objekt
  356. Plane
  357. Ball
  358. Kegel
  359. EKegel
  360. Torus
  361. ETorus
  362. Quart
  363. Kube
  364. Pyramid
  365. Oktaeder
  366. Dodekaeder
  367. Zylinder
  368. EZylinder
  369. Hyperboloid
  370. EHyperboloid
  371. Paraboloid
  372. EParaboloid
  373. Textur
  374. Bozo
  375. Marmor
  376. Wood
  377. Sky
  378. Spots
  379. Agate
  380. Granit
  381. Ripple
  382. Wellen
  383. Bumps
  384. Dents
  385. Wrinkle
  386. Picture P
  387. Picture Z
  388. Picture K
  389. None
  390. Camera
  391. Light
  392. Face
  393. OSize
  394. Rot-Camera
  395. Resolution
  396. Mapping
  397. Scale
  398. Shadowbox
  399. Aktiv:
  400. Stylebox
  401. xdpi
  402. ydpi
  403. Antialias
  404. Brush/Temp%d.PIC
  405. Zoomwindow
  406. Couldn't open Zoombox to Paintbox %d\n
  407. Zoom from %s
  408. Load Palette
  409. Merge Palette
  410. CMAP
  411. CLUT
  412. Couldn't open xiwin.library !\n
  413. Too old version of Xout-Library!!\n
  414. Color
  415. Manipulation
  416. Turn ...
  417. Size ...
  418. Half
  419. Half x
  420. Half y
  421. Double
  422. Mirror x
  423. Mirror y
  424. Turn 90°
  425. Transpose
  426. Bend ...
  427. Slant ...
  428. Perspective ...
  429. AntiAlias
  430. Preview Animation 
  431. TURBOPRINT:Druckmanager
  432. Turboprint
  433. Pingpong
  434. Loop
  435. Play
  436. Stop
  437. Forward
  438. Back
  439. Frame
  440. Animation
  441. Effekt
  442. Makro
  443. Brush
  444. Projekt
  445. File
  446. New Animation
  447. Open Animation
  448. Number of Frames:
  449. Make Field
  450. Make Frame
  451. Make Brush
  452. JPEG-Quality
  453. Minipic Save
  454. First Field
  455. Second Field
  456. To merge the pictures they have to be the same size.
  457. Pressure Menu
  458. Sensitivity
  459. Use Tablett?
  460. Error in Targa driver # %d
  461. Error in JPEG driver # %d
  462. Error in SGI driver # %d
  463. Error in BMP driver # %d
  464. Loading Format
  465. Lighttable Menu
  466. Ratio Front to Back
  467. Lighttable
  468. RetinaMonitoring